About Raised Bones Clothing

I want to be on you…. In a consensual clothing on your body type of way.

Whether you're a skater/artist or adventurer,
I live for these things that make me happy and I want to bring my passions together in a creative collective way and share it with others.

My name is Rhys Brown others call me Bucky and others sometimes call me $&@@ ¥£#%*+
I’m an artist that started out playing in bands (Dollarosa and Gutter standard), growing up and skateboarding with mates.
While I love those things (still do) I had a back injury that pretty much stopped me from getting out and doing the things that made me ,me.

So while laying In bed for months on end binge watching all the things I can’t do I came across a guy called Rob Dyrdek ( skateboarder/fantasy factory/ Ridiculousness) and from learning about all the rad shit he did, he inspired my own creativity and made me realise that I can do anything in this life if I wanted too!

...And thus Raised Bones Clothing was born. Now back then my art skills were not as they are today and even now I wouldn’t call myself an perfected artists, as I am constantly learning new skills. I started creating designs and mocking them up on shirts, then decided I wanted to print these myself so I have full creative control. So that’s when my passion for screenprinting came in and a massive rabbit hole of graphic designing and learning to screen print happened.
Fast forward a few years and here we are, you and me… you reading this and myself probably walking around my yard thinking of new designs.

With this brand I wanted to bring all the underground things I loved to life. This is more than a brand to me, it’s a creative outlet and seeing people wearing my brand makes us family and reminds me we are all in this life together. So why not look good doing it. Every inch of support (that’s what she said) means the world to me and my family.

Raised Bones Clothing… Rising to meet you in every moment.